Rural General Public Program
The Rural General Public, (RGP) program allows anyone who lives within the city limits to ride to any destination outside of the city limits within Nash and Edgecombe Counties. It also allows anyone who lives outside of the city limits within Nash and Edgecombe County to ride to any destination within the city limits of Rocky Mount.
Demand Response
Tar River Transit has available a Demand Response Rural General Public (RGP) transportation service available for the citizens of Rocky Mount, Nash and Edgecombe Counties.
The times, dates and costs of the program is listed below:
Times | Days | Cost |
6:30 am – 6:30 pm | Monday – Friday | $14.00 per Round Trip Ticket [to Wilson: $20] |
Tickets can be purchased at the City of Rocky Mount Business Office located at 224 South Franklin Street or at the Transit Office located on the third floor of the downtown train station in Suite 315. Rural General Public tickets are non-refundable.
How the Program Works
Once the ticket is purchased, the passenger can call the following phone numbers to schedule the trip.
Passengers must call a day in advance by 2:00 p.m. to schedule a trip. Monday trips must be scheduled by 2:00 p.m. on Friday.
Tar River Transit’s Para transit service will then pick up the passenger on the day that they have scheduled their trip and take them to their destination.
Once the passenger is ready for their return trip, they will call one of the numbers above and alert the dispatcher to send the vehicle to retrieve the passenger. All passengers must be ready at least two hours before their appointment time.