Welcome Aboard Rocky Mount's Tar River Transit
Tar River Transit is a public transportation service providing affordable fixed-route bus service throughout the City of Rocky Mount, North Carolina and Rural General Public para-transit transportation for Nash and Edgecombe counties.
Transit Will Not Run During Holiday Closures
Tar River Transit will NOT be running on the following days to observe the holiday periods:
Nov. 28-30 – Thanksgiving
Dec. 24-26 – Christmas
Jan. 1, 2025 – New Year’s Day
View the full news text on the News Page.
Scheduling Change - Rural General Public (RGP) and Night Shuttle Programs
Rural General Public (RGP) – Starting 9/1/2023, all schedules for the Rural General Public program must be made by 2pm the day prior to your trip. Trip reservations for Mondays must be made by 2pm the previous Friday. Read More about RGP
Night Shuttle – Starting 9/1/2023, all schedules for the Night Shuttle program must be made by 2pm the evening of your trip. Trip reservations for Monday evenings must be made by 2pm the previous Friday. Read More about our Night Shuttle
Face Masks No Longer Required to Ride Transit
Read more on COVID-19 safety and Fares below and on the News page.
Plan Your Trip
Trip data is maintained using Trillium's GTFS Manager.
News & Updates
Upcoming Holiday Closures
Tar River Transit will be closed and transit will NOT be running on the following days to observe the holidays:
View the full news text on the News Page.
Face Masks No Longer Required on Transit
Effective immediately, wearing a face mask on Tar River Transit is not mandatory but instead your personal choice.
Coronavirus Awareness and Prevention
We are committed to keeping our customers and employees safe and will follow all recommendations from health officials. We encourage our community to seek out and follow updates and instructions from the Nash and Edgecombe County Public Health Department to protect themselves and their loved ones.Read the full notice (button below) to learn how Tar River Transit is maintaining a safe environment and your role to prevent the spread of communicable diseases
No Cost Transportation to get the COVID-19 Vaccine
Available to and from COVID-19 vaccination appointments in Nash and Edgecombe Counties
Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Call one day in advance to schedule a pick-up.
Click to call on Mobile
Catch a Ride
and Go Green!
Did you know?
By using transit, you help the environment by reducing emissions which are a significant cause of poor air and water quality?
Transportation in the United States is responsible for 29 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The use of public transportation reduces greenhouse gas emissions along with the emissions caused by gridlock and also saves fuel. Data demonstrate that public transportation produces significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile than private vehicles. (Source: Federal Transit Administration)

Title VI Policy
Tar River Transit gives public notice of its policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and all related statutes. Title VI and related statutes prohibiting discrimination in Federally assisted programs require that no person in the United States of America shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal assistance.
View the entire public notice on our Title VI webpage and contact information for the Title VI coordinator: